Ckoehncke's Weekly Newsletter
WebRTC Weekly Issue #57 - March 4th, 2015
1. Mavenir gets acquired
2. Video streaming
3. Contact centers
WebRTC Weekly Issue #27 - August 6th, 2014
1. Hangouts & webrtc-internals
2. Correction facility visitation
3. Data channel
WebRTC Weekly Issue #4 - February 26th, 2014
1. View points on WebRTC
2. WebRTC's 2014 roadmap
3. MWC announcements
WebRTC Weekly Issue #2 - February 12th, 2014
1. Dialogic survey
2. Data channels & Opus adoption
3. Imo, Chromebox, Italtel and others
WebRTC Weekly Issue #1 - February 5th, 2014
1. Primers for developers, multipoint & connectivity checks
2. Pipe, Secretly Meet & Norwegian Red Cross
3. State of the market & the value for contact centers