WebRTC Weekly Issue #57 - March 4, 2015

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.

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Kranky Geek, 16 April, London

Before we begin, we have partnered with Informa for our Kranky Geek WebRTC event. We will be happy to see you as one of our guests (or speakers) there.  Register online.


An update from Google on WebRTC (YouTube)

Mitel Buys Mavenir: the ‘Why’ to Be Determined (NoJitter)
Our second WebRTC related acquisition of 2015.

3 Ways to Think About WebRTC & Enterprise Video (NoJitter)
Beth Haskins shares his ideas on where WebRTC video can have an impact in the enterprise.

The WebRTC Race Begins Today (TechCrunch)
Another plug into TechCrunch. This time by Chip Wilcox from Temasys.


Avoiding Contact Center IVR Hell with WebRTC (webrtcHacks)
Everything you ever wanted to know about WebRTC in contact centers and were afraid to ask.

A WebRTC Constraints test (Percevio)
It’s not a demo, it’s a test that allows you to play with various video settings, see how you look!

Recording Audio & Video with HTML5 (Art & Logic)
Brian Poteat stores WebRTC media locally and then uploads it to a Meteor server for safe keeping.

Stream live WebRTC video to a non-WebRTC Client (Telecom R&D)
An interesting post about attempts to stream WebRTC video (and failing). There’s a second part to it as well.

Tokbox WebRTC Video Widget (Tokbox)
Getting the video right, always a challenge with various WebRTC options, Tokbox attempts to make it right.

Automated WebRTC Testing (pristine.io)
A short blog post on some work by pristine to check their WebRTC application.

Raspberry 2 & WebRTC (DesignSpark)
Say it ain’t so, but indeed you can build a WebRTC video app with the new Raspberry 2. I want one!

Characteristics of Mobility conspire against SIP for Mobile WebRTC (SightCall)
A good explanation on what makes SIP a poor choice as a mobile signaling protocol.

Being Specific About Your WebRTC Signaling Choices (The New Dial Tone)
While we’re discussing signaling – Amir Zmora explains why there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to signaling.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Utilizing WebRTC for distance learning (Drum.com)
Drum drums up some thoughts on utilizing WebRTC for distance learning.

Telefónica TU-Go Now Supports In-Browser Call & Messaging with WebRTC (PPC Mobile Broadband)
Telefonica is make use of its TokBox asset and knowledge, connecting its capabilities to its TU-Go service.

Saving Lives with WebRTC (NoJitter)
Mark Fletcher argues that WebRTC based services can be better than our current 911 service.

Codementor Uses OnSIP to Power WebRTC-Based Educational Platform (OnSIP)
An inteview with Codementor’s team on their use of OnSIP.


&yet releases their talky plug in for Mozilla (&yet)
The nice folks at &yet introducing a plug in for their popular talky service, this time for Mozilla.

Matrix links in SMS (matrix.org)
Matrix partners with Openmarket to enable SMS messaging in the matrix open source software.

Gruveo Comes to Internet Explorer and Safari on Desktop (Gruveo)
They used Temasys’ plugin for WebRTC.

From our own posts