WebRTC Weekly Issue #60 - March 25, 2015

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.

Kranky-GeekBefore we begin, we have partnered with Informa for our Kranky Geek WebRTC event. We will be happy to see you as one of our guests (or speakers) there.  Register online.


WebRTC Changes Your IT Org Chart (The New Dial Tone)
For me this is about the change in power within enterprises – from IT to marketing.

Reflecting on Enterprise Connect 2015 (NoJitter)
Irwin Lazar with a good summary of Enterprise Connect and the place WebRTC took in that event. Another good read on this event comes from Shai Berger @fonolo.

Context: The New Holy Grail (NoJitter)
Sheila McGee-Smith gives a few examples from Enterprise Connect on how context is becoming more important to vendors.

WebRTC-messaging combo challenging UC (TechTarget)
Where Gina Narcisi explains Tsahi’s session at Enterprise Connect about the coming competition between UC and enterprise messaging.


webrtc-explorer – Resource Discovery for decentralized browser networks (David Dias)
A framework for decentralized browser network written in Node.

Introduction to the IETF ICE/TURN/STUN set of RFCs (IETF)
A good presentation about NAT traversal RFCs used in WebRTC.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

CafeX Receives Strategic Investment from Intel Capital (PR Newswire)
Kudos to CafeX. It seems like Intel is interested in WebRTC from various directions (see Releases section).

KioWare Releases New Versions of KioWare for Android™, Lockdown Software for your Android Devices (KioWare)
The interesting story here is that WebRTC is only supported on Android 5.0, where it is part of the OS itself.

Mailbird 2.0 integrates Veeting Rooms (Veeting Rooms)
An interesting integration of a browser based service into a PC app of a third party.


Meshcentral – Experimental WebRTC Mesh (Intel Developer Zone)
Intel is starting to take their Meshcentral framework into an interesting new direction of a large scale P2P messaging system.

Introducing Talky Beta, and coming soon: a Talky Kickstarter (&yet)
A new version of Talky.io is coming, this one with an SFU to support more participants in a single session. And text chat (at last).

From our own posts