Here is the latest on WebRTC from your friends at
Can a URL Replace Your Phone Number? (ProgrammableWeb)
Dries Plasman on the advent of using URLs (and WebRTC) to communicate with businesses.
Do You Really Need WebRTC? (Infrared5)
While this is true for one way video streaming and broadcast, it is almost universally wrong for all other use cases.
WebRTC Jobs on the Rise (Blacc Spot Media)
A good review on how the job market for WebRTC is growing steadily.
Chrome 47 WebRTC: media recording, secure origins & proxy handling (Chrome Developers)
Everything you wanted to know about WebRTC in Chrome 47.
WebRTC series: 5 Crucial ways connectivity and bandwidth affect WebRTC UX (AT&T)
How connectivity and bandwidth need to be treated and handled by web apps.
WebRTC 1.0 Finally (WebRTC by Dr Alex)
Alex Gouaillard looks at the changes the specification took from inception to v1.0.
Use Cases and Customer Wins
Altocloud Taps Into Cisco Spark Developer Service (NoJitter)
Altocloud integrates with Cisco Spark.
Cisco’s Spark Moves Lights Up Analyst Insight (NoJitter)
A round up of analysts on Cisco’s Spark announcements.
Announcing OpenTok Support for Bitcode in Beta (TokBox)
TokBox iOS SDK now supports Bitcode.
Call Recording is Here (FireRTC)
FireRTC adds a call recording capability.
From our own posts
- A tool to help you listen more (Chris Kranky)
- The First WebRTC Earthquake in Video Conferencing: Acano vs Polycom (
- Ziggeo and WebRTC: An Interview With Susan Danziger (