WebRTC Weekly Issue #81 - August 19, 2015

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.

Before we begin:

Kranky Geek WebRTC Show site is now live. Make sure you register to save your spot at the event.

We have a twitter account for it: @webrtclive


The status of the webRTC ecosystem (LinkedIn)
Alexandre Gouaillard gives his view of the recent shifts in the WebRTC market.

The WebRTC API Compatibility Challenge (The New Dial Tone)
Amir Zmora stressing the need for a closed standard for WebRTC as opposed to a moving target.


Applying Effects on WebRTC Video in Real Time (Agility Feat)
Code sample of a simple video call that uses WebGL to get some nice effects.

Steeplechase: An automated framework for testing WebRTC (Air Mozilla)
Rithesh Shenthar outlines his internship at Mozilla building automated testing for WebRTC.

A Study of WebRTC Security (github)
The most detailed, single document I’ve seen on WebRTC security.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Celebrating 50,000 customers and our first acquisition (Freshdesk)
Freshdesk just acquired 1Click.io.


Microsoft Edge 10525 (Microsoft)
“This release contains initial groundwork for Object RTC in Microsoft Edge.”

Temasys WebRTC Plugin Now Supports Jitsi Meet on IE and Safari (Temasys)
Temasys’ plugin for WebRTC works with Jitsi.

From our own posts