WebRTC Weekly Issue #6 - March 12, 2014

Here’s the latest news this week on WebRTC from your friends at webrtcweekly.com


WebRTC, VoIP & Mobile Comms Apps (disruptivewireless.blogspot.com)
How human dynamics and ways of interactions are forcing us to rethink the voice call – and how WebRTC fits into it.

9 Advantages of WebRTC (informationweek.com)
A high level list of the advantages WebRTC brings over previous VoIP technologies.

WebRTC Meets Telecom (webrtc-conference.com)
Where are telecom operators focus today with WebRTC and where the focus should be placed for Telcos.

The WebRTC Landscape Infographic (cio2cmo.com)
An attempt at mapping the complex and dynamic landscape of WebRTC vendors.


Does Amazon’s Mayday use WebRTC? (webrtchacks.com)
A detailed wireshark analysis of Mayday’s network behavior. My takeaway? WebRTC comes in different shapes and sizes.

PhoneRTC – WebRTC for PhoneGap (github.com)
An initiative to bring WebRTC to PhoneGap (to early to tell how much effort will be invested in it).

States and Flows in a Peer Connection (groups.google.com)
Reference slide of the WebRTC state machine. It is about time someone does this.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Flap my Arms (blogging.alastair.is)
Top notch explanation on why the data channel is important and how to use it and fallback to socket.io.

Basics of WebRTC Peer Connections (medium.com/frontend-and-beyond)
Step-by-step explanation of using WebRTC to initiate a video call between two angry beavers.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Six WebRTC Video Calling Solutions Ready to Use Right Now (webrtcworld.com)
The hard part with doing video calling these days is selecting one of the too many options out there…

VosVideo – a Surveillance System that uses WebRTC (prlog.org)
Surveillance is an area that made sense for WebRTC, but only now we’re starting to see vendors exploring its capabilities.

MTS selects Mavenir for RCS (finance.yahoo.com)
While this is an RCS deal for a Russian telecom carrier, it does hold inside it a WebRTC angle – as a browser based RCS client.

Incentive selects XSockets for its social intranet solution (incentivecorp.com)
Social networks and social business are the main benefactors of WebRTC if you ask me (and they will eat up VoIP and UC).


Collaborative Downloader (peer5.com)
Peer5 introduced this week their collaborative downloader for websites who host many files – their Sharefest for websites.

Opera for Android: Super Comfy Browsing (blogs.opera.com)
This one got too much news and exposure all over the blogosphere, practically killing off my ability to see any other news. Coming from the 5th browser player, after they launched an official PC version and an Android beta last month – it was way too much.

From our own posts