WebRTC Weekly Issue #559 - October 23, 2024

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


Twilio Video update: Twilio Video’s journey continues, bringing the human touch to your customer engagement experience (Twilio)
Twilio Programmable Video is being raised from the dead, removing its EOL status.


Architecting WebRTC & SIP Integrations with MCU and SFU (WebRTC.ventures)
Very relevant for connecting PSTN into WebRTC group calls.

New White Paper: DTLS “ClientHello” Race Conditions in WebRTC Implementations (Enable Security)
A WebRTC related vulnerability that can be found mainly in media servers.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Match’s random video chat app Azar could be the next Chatroulette — for better or for worse (TechCrunch)
We don’t usually hear about the South Korean vendors who use WebRTC. This is an opportunity to do so.


Introducing react-native-whip-whep (Software Mansion)
A WHIP/WHEP implementation in React Native.

OpenVidu 3.0.0-beta3 (OpenVidu)
The new upcoming release has better mediasoup support, as well as centralized configuration.

From our own posts