WebRTC Weekly Issue #556 - October 2, 2024

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


None this week.


Learn WebRTC for a support or presale role (sponsored)
A unique course for support positions who need understanding of WebRTC to assist customers with troubleshooting.

Debugging WebRTC on your iPad (WebRTC for Developers)
For those dealing with iPads.

Dealing With Huge MediaRecorder Chunks (Pipe)
It is interesting how many edge cases there are to deal with even with “simple” APIs.

Real-time mouse pointers (Canva)
From WebSockets to WebRTC in pointer sharing.

BrowserStack in Action: How WebRTC.Ventures Optimizes QA for Faster, Reliable Results (WebRTC.ventures)
Generic cloud browser testing used for WebRTC development.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

None this week.


TURN and anycast: making peer connections work globally (Cloudflare)
TURN on Cloudflare goes GA.

From our own posts