WebRTC Weekly Issue #549 - August 14, 2024

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


What Is WebRTC and How Can It Revolutionize your Calls? (4PSA)
Our 101 post of the month.


Conectara by WebRTC.ventures offers a trusted contact center solution powered by Amazon Connect (sponsored)
As specialists in communication solutions and members of the Amazon Partner Network, we bring unparalleled expertise and innovation to contact center transformations.

Understanding WHIP, WHEP, and Media Over QUIC: Why They Matter in 2024 (WebRTC.ventures)
An quic(k) explainer of WHIP, WHEP and MOQ.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

None this week.


mediasoup 3.14.10 released with option to disable io_uring (mediasoup)
For those who know what io_uring is (and don’t want it).

From our own posts