WebRTC Weekly Issue #544 - July 10, 2024

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


WebRTC.Ventures Visits CommCon 2024: San Francisco (WebRTC.ventures)
A taste of what took place in CommCon 2024 in SF.


Learn WebRTC for a support or presale role (sponsored)
A unique course for support positions who need understanding of WebRTC to assist customers with troubleshooting.

None this week.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Simplifying Healthcare with LiveSwitch (LiveSwitch)
LiveSwitch showcasing a few of its customers

Key Considerations for Live Auction Streaming (Phenix)
Some of the reasons for using WebRTC in live streaming.


Introducing Conectara: Modernizing Contact Center Operations with Amazon Connect (WebRTC.ventures)
WebRTC.ventures with a new solution built on top of Amazon Connect for contact centers.

From our own posts