WebRTC Weekly Issue #531 - April 10, 2024

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


7 use cases of business live streams (Restream)
Many of these are in the domain of meeting+streaming.


Learn WebRTC the right way (sponsored)
Join 1,600+ students who already upskilled themselves in WebRTC.

Cloudflare Calls: millions of cascading trees all the way down (Cloudflare)
Publicly opens up Calls for developers.

Agora vs. Zoom: A Comprehensive Comparison of Video SDKs (Agora)
Agora with another comparison to Zoom. This time on native Windows platform.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Dolby Millicast Previews a New Hybrid Real-Time & Live Streaming Experience (Dolby)
HLS+WebRTC streaming.


End-to-End Encryption (Dyte)
Dyte adds E2EE support in beta.

From our own posts