Here is the latest on WebRTC from your friends at
Coming to a (Beta) region near you – big changes to Voice (Second Life Community)
Second Life starts using WebRTC for voice chats.

WebRTC Live is a monthly webinar series with industry guests brought to you by (sponsored)
Register for the April 11 episode, “Where Does WebRTC Fit in the State of Broadcasting?” with Dan Jenkins
Better video for mobile RTC with AV1 and HD (Engineering at Meta)
Written notes of the progress Meta is making with AV1 adoption for mobile video calls.
Optimizing RTC bandwidth estimation with machine learning (Engineering at Meta)
Meta’s work on using ML for BWE.
How It All Goes Live: An Overview of Discord’s Streaming Technology (Discord)
A high level look at the streaming technology Discord built.
10 Mistakes Developers Make While Developing Video Conferencing Applications (Digital Samba)
A good list to work with.
What’s the Difference Between Bandwidth and Latency in Real-Time Communication? (
Agora with a good review of bandwidth, latency and how they interact with each other.
Top 3 Health Metrics for Optimal Real-time Streaming: How to Quickly Troubleshoot Video Playback Issues (Dolby)
A similar article, just focused on streams instead of calls.
AV1 vs VP9: Which codec should you choose? (
VP9 (if you’re using WebRTC and need encoding in the browser).
Use Cases and Customer Wins
Enhancing Real-Time Video Delivery with Phenix and Osprey Video (Phenix)
Phenix continues with its partnerships. This time – Osprey.
Matrix v1.10 release (Matrix)
Multi stream calls and maintenance fixes.
From our own posts
- Just launched a new WebRTC Security & Privacy Essentials Course+eBook