WebRTC Weekly Issue #502 - September 20, 2023

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


WebRTC tech is cool, but it needs ongoing monitoring, maintenance, and (hopefully) scaling. (sponsored):
Contact the experts at WebRTC.ventures to provide managed support for your real-time application.

Sampling the Future: WebRTC.Ventures Visits Voice & AI 2023 (WebRTC.ventures)
A good overview of what’s coming in AI to our industry.


8×8 Jitsi as a Service (sponsored):
Elevate your website and applications with off-the-shelf live video meetings.

Enabling Live DVR and Rewind with a WebRTC Real-Time Stream (Dolby)
A nice integration done in a hackathon fuzing WebRTC and live HLS.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

How to Boost App Revenue with 1-on-1 Consultations (sponsored):
ZEGOCLOUD examines the critical indicators in this scenario and explores strategies to enhance the overall quality of the app infrastructure and boost revenue gains.

First Mile Technologies Introduces Camera-to-Cloud Connectivity (Press release)
Television and film production with cloud connectivity using WebRTC.

The new way to conduct hybrid meetings (Zoho)
Adding a room system to the Zoho Cliq software service.


Adding End-To-End Media Encryption to Your Video Calls (Vonage)
Vonage Video API adds E2EE support.

From our own posts

None this week