WebRTC Weekly Issue #49 - January 7, 2015

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.

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Why Airline Fee Model Will Kill Innovation (The New Dial Tone)
Comparing airline business model to telecom fast lanes and net neutrality is in the news lately. Amir Zmora explains how and why this relates to WebRTC (and VoIP).


Configure TURN server for webRTC with Firefox (Knoldus)
The title says it all…

Use Cases and Customer Wins

AT&T is the first US carrier to support WebRTC (The Verge)
AT&T took its beta for developers and announced its official GA release at their DevSummit. Essentially, this provides WebRTC access to AT&T customers’ phone numbers. Here’s Aswath Rao’s thoughts about it.


First week of 2015. Nothing new.

From our own posts