Here is the latest on WebRTC from your friends at
CommCon is back! The UK’s only Residential WebRTC Conference returns in person for 2023 (Press release)
CommCon this year will be in-person again.

webrtcHacks livestream on WebTransport & WebCodecs (sponsored):
Interview with Q&A this Friday with industry & standards leaders on recent experiments with these specs
PSA: libwebrtc now reports spec compliant and internally consistent video de-jitter buffer delays (discuss-webrtc)
Jitter buffer metrics are modified to be spec compliant.
PSA: Removal of WebRTC getStats encoderImplementation “unknown” and dataChannelIdentifier “-1” (discuss-webrtc)
More stats-cleaning.
Livestream this Friday: WebCodecs, WebTransport, and the Future of WebRTC (webrtcHacks)
Didn’t register to the webinar you see above? Here’s another opportunity.
Use Cases and Customer Wins
None this week.
None this week.
From our own posts