Kranky Geek (virtual) is coming
Nov 17 is the date. Register to join us live.
Here is the latest on WebRTC from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.

WebRTC Live Episode 73: The Future of Broadcasting with WebRTC with guest Dan Jenkins (sponsored):
Tune into the November 16 episode of WebRTC Live, the popular free webinar series by WebRTC.ventures.
What is WebRTC Signalling? (Digital Samba)
Our 101 post of the week.
Lyra on WebRTC (WebMeeting)
Using WASM and Insertable Streams to add Lyra voice codec to WebRTC.
Use Cases and Customer Wins
ExamRoom.AI Chooses Vonage Communications Platform to Power Remote Testing and Proctoring Services Globally (Vonage)
Remote proctoring is another one of these interesting use cases for WebRTC.
What’s New in Whereby: New Languages, Custom Virtual Backgrounds and more (Whereby)
An embedded SDK in beta. Check it out.
From our own posts
- Two years of WebRTC Insights (BlogGeek.me)