Here is the latest on WebRTC from your friends at
Meta is reportedly scaling back plans for its AR glasses, pivoting away from marketing Portal as a consumer device (TechCrunch)
Recession? Post-pandemic?
Meet online at zero cost with Zoho Meeting’s free video meetings (Zoho Blog)
Zoho joining the free video meetings market.

Real-time video that’s flexible enough to handle never ending change requests (sponsored):
Our pluggable sources and sinks and massively flexible media pipeline guarantee you’ll be able to meet any requirement. Contact our experts today.
Meet vs. Duo – 2 faces of Google’s WebRTC (webrtcHacks)
If you want to know what implementation decisions to make in your WebRTC infrastructure, read this.
New look at WebRTC usage in Google Meet (Real Time Communications Bits)
Not sure how this got missed in our previous weekly.
Peer connection with 2 video sources (WebRTC Fiddle of the Month)
Quite surprising.
Under the hood: Meta’s cloud gaming infrastructure (Engineering at Meta)
Meta is also working on cloud gaming.
Simplest WebRTC Debugging Development Environment For Linux (Muhammad Usman Bashir)
If you need to debug inside the WebRTC library, then this is for you.
How to Scale your WebRTC Application with WebRTC Performance Testing (Spearline)
Planning your WebRTC testing.
How does WebRTC work? (Agora)
Our 101 post this week.
Use Cases and Customer Wins
Japanese Telecommunications Giants KDDI Evolva & Terilogy Partner with TechSee to Launch “Video Support Service” (TechSee)
A nice win by TechSee for remote visual assistance.
Bridge cascading with geo-location is back (Jitsi)
Jitsi improved its cascading to handle scale.
From our own posts
- WebRTC is a marathon not a sprint (