Here is the latest on WebRTC from your friends at

TURN 101: A Guide to NAT Traversal (sponsored):
Discover how Subspace has reimagined NAT traversal.
Dolby acquires low-latency streaming platform Millicast (TechCrunch)
Dolby fills its gap in live streaming/broadcast with this acquisition.
Snap Inc. Joins the Alliance for Open Media (Alliance for Open Media)
There are now 50+ vendors in the alliance. Impressive.

Senior Audio/Video Engineer at Vowel (sponsored):
Come and implement key Audio/Video features across our platform
Permissions request chip (Chrome Developers)
Good for users… headache for developers. Luckily, WebRTC permissions aren’t a part of this… yet.
Use Cases and Customer Wins
LogMeIn rebrands as GoTo with a new application combining support and communications solutions, new products, and a new partner network (Press release)
GoTo it is then.
Subspace WebRTC-CDN Experiences. Where is Subspace taking us? (Alan Quayle)
A detailed review of Subspace WebRTC-CDN offering.
Introduction to WebRTC testing and monitoring with testRTC (Spearline)
Spearline now doing WebRTC, through the acquisition of testRTC.
Add live transcription to a Daily call with our newest API (Daily)
Both Daily and Deepgram are past speakers at Kranky Geek.
Embeddable Video Conferences, IP Message Bus, Up-Leveled SDKs, Oh My (SignalWire)
SignalWire adds a bit of lowcode/nocode to their video conferencing capabilities.
Introducing Dynamic Composite Live Streams (Red5 Pro)
Gallery-view, streaming style.
From our own posts
None this week.