WebRTC Weekly Issue #409 - December 8, 2021

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


Microsoft backtracks on Windows 11’s controversial default browser changes (The Verge)
That didn’t take long.

Why WebRTC? (Pion)
Because 😎


5 Video UX Tips for Your Telehealth App (Twilio)
Relevant to any comms app.

I want to deliver 4K even with WebTransport! (Qiita)
Translate to English and read. Explains how much work WebRTC saves you versus WebTransport.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

How Beepboop made language-learning classes 40% more effective with Daily (Daily)
An interesting story. Shifting from video to audio only to improve the learning experience.

Agora helps Yalla build the most popular voice-centric social platform in MENA (APN News)
How Yalla makes use of Agora.


None this week.

From our own posts