Here is the latest on WebRTC from your friends at

Kranky Geek Virtual:
Join us on November 18 for the WebRTC event of the year
RingCentral MVP: Bringing AI to your video meetings (RingCentral)
RingCentral doubles down on everything AI in video calling today.
PSA: Firefox 96 contains major libwebrtc update. Please test (discuss-webrtc)
Check your WebRTC app with the latest Firefox – things may break a bit more.
W3C Audio WG wants to hear your voices about the future of Web Audio API (Twitter)
If you are using Web Audio you should probably fill this survey.
Use Cases and Customer Wins
Presentations are the new office: How Pitch built an innovative video UI for collaborative work (Daily)
An intresting implementation.
DAZN launches ‘innovation hub’ DAZN X following Texel acquisition (Digital TV Europe)
Kudos to the Texel team.
Power up your Jitsi deployment with JaaS (Jitsi)
8×8 JaaS trialing connecting on prem Jitsi to their managed cloud services.
From our own posts
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