WebRTC Weekly Issue #403 - October 27, 2021

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.

Kranky Geek Virtual:
Join us on November 18 for the WebRTC event of the year


Amazon’s Clubhouse competitor may let you DJ your own radio show (TechCrunch)
We didn’t have a Clubhouse competitor here for… 2 weeks?


Join the WebRTC.ventures Team (sponsored):
WebRTC.ventures is seeking additional talent to join their expert development team.

Bringing WHIP to Broadcaster.VC (Broadcaster.VC)
WHIP is rather simple to integrate, which is exactly what it was designed to be.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Your video calls just got a lot more exciting with new interactive AR experiences (Messenger News)
Funny hats getting more complex.


Agora Releases Native SDK v3.5.1 (Agora)
Super resolution, background blurring and much more.

Build High Quality Video Experiences at Scale with Video Insights, Now in Public Beta (Twilio)
Twilio adds passive monitoring to its Programmable Video service.

New API: Smart Connectivity Notifications (callstats.io)
callstats.io adds application notifications ot their smart connectivity service.

From our own posts