Here is the latest on WebRTC from your friends at

We’re Hiring! (sponsored):
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The Next Step for Mixer (Mixer)
Mixer is shutting down. Microsoft acquired them a few years back. They were using WebRTC live streaming tech at the time.
Why Discord Still Maintains a Browser-Only Experience (Discord)
Now with support for Safari and a commitment to browser tech.
3K, 60fps, 130ms: achieving it with Rust (tonari)
Seems like the end result of almost every video calling service today is to use WebRTC libraries in one way or another.
Use Cases and Customer Wins, a LiveU spinout, comes out of stealth with $4M (TechCrunch)
Remote driving is yet another WebRTC use case.
Improve Call Experience with New Twilio Conference Jitter Buffer Controls (Twilio)
Twilio now lets developers decide on the jitter size of their call leg.
Kurento 6.14.0 (Kurento)
Bug fixes release.
Enable WebRTC simulcast to improve video performance for applications built with the Amazon Chime SDK (AWS)
AWS adds simulcast to their Chime SDK.
WebRTC Enhancements in Wowza Streaming Engine (Wowza)
Wowza just made using WebRTC with its platform a lot more convenient.
From our own posts
None this week.