WebRTC Weekly Issue #314 - February 12, 2020

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


Netflix begins streaming in AV1 on Android (TechCrunch)
AV1 is the future. Experiments in streaming happen now. In a couple of years we will see this in video conferencing.


WebRTC Development (sponsored):
Contact WebRTC.ventures to build your live video application!

PSA: Changes to enumerateDevices in Chrome M81 (discuss-webrtc)
Check this one. This change is in an effort to reduce the effect of fingerprinting browser users.

PSA: TLS 1.0 deprecation – will happen again in M82 (discuss-webrtc)
If I were you, I’d check that my service uses TLS 1.3 and nothing older.

PSA: ICE-TCP won’t pair with local ip addresses anymore (discuss-webrtc)
WebRTC is starting to grow up, taking all the fun out of using it as a lightweight “hacking” tool.

Min Duration Series – Part 1: Perfect Negotiation (webrtcHacks)
An explananation about perfect negotiation (and nagging issues with signaling).

Not a Guide to SDP Munging (webrtcHacks)
Don’t. Munge. SDP.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

9 Ultra Low Latency Video Streaming Solutions (Red5 Pro)
A variety of vendors here.


None this week.

From our own posts