Here is the latest on WebRTC from your friends at

Event videos available in our YouTube channel
CMAF vs. WebRTC: 5 Questions Answered (Red5 Pro)
For those contemplating which low latency streaming tech to use.
Real-time communication with WebRTC: what is it and how does it work? (Quickblox)
WebRTC 101 from Quickblox
Introducing v1 of Dana – The Stream Gatekeeper (Dan Jenkins)
A new (=alternative) frontend UI for the Asterisk SFU.
Dynamic CDN for Low Latency WebRTC Streaming (Flashphoner)
Flashphoner explains how to use their service to create distributed low latency WebRTC broacasts.
Building a Twilio Programmable Video Chat App with Angular and ASP.NET Core 3.0 (Twilio)
It’s all in the title…
Use Cases and Customer Wins
Instagram founders join $30M raise for Loom work video messenger (TechCrunch)
Kudos to Loom on the raise.
Jitsi Meet now available on F-Droid (Jitsi)
F-Droid is a FOSS app store for Android.
From our own posts
- Kranky Geek SF 2019 – post event summary (