Here is the latest on WebRTC from your friends at
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Please Register for TADSummit Americas (15-16 Oct) and IIT RTC Conference (14-16 Oct) in Chicago (TADSummit)
The two next events are JanusCon and IIT RTC/TADSummit.
Microsoft’s new Chromium-based Edge browser is now in beta (TechCrunch)
Edge now has a new beta channel. Another step towards a public Chromium based Edge.
A little thread about how Google accommodates its #WebRTC IETF drafts to its implementation in libwebrtc (Iñaki Baz Castillo)
Reading the spec is not enough to implement something interoperable.
How to Add Streaming Video on Linux with OpenTok Linux SDK (Nexmo)
Nexmo explains how to use OpenTok in embedded devices using their Linux SDK.
ScreencastR – Simple Screen Sharing App Using SignalR Streaming (C# Corner)
A nice example of screen sharing.
Use Cases and Customer Wins
None this week.
By day and by night: video call, no matter the lighting (Google)
Duo now has a low lighting mode.
Bringing Live Transcribe’s Speech Engine to Everyone (Google)
They made it work with Opus while at it.
From our own posts