WebRTC Weekly Issue #26 - July 30, 2014

Here’s the latest in what has been a slow newsweek on WebRTC (it’s summer after all) from your friends at webrtcweekly.com


No interesting general read this week (slow vacation).


How does Hangouts use WebRTC? a chrome://webrtc-internals analysis (webrtcHacks.com)
An excellent analysis of how Google Hangouts makes use of WebRTC (and proprietary features), and how we can deduce that using webrtc-internals.

Building The Native Android WebRTC Source (orcaman.blogspot.com)
Need instructions on how to build WebRTC on mobile and run the reference AppRTCDemo app? Or Hiltch has you covered.

WebRTC Standards Update Webinar (webrtcHacks.com)
Interested in what goes on in the standards? Victor Pascual explains what’s the agenda of the upcoming IETF meeting.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

5 ways WebRTC could have transformed Alcatraz (linkedin.com)
CafeX wins a “correction facility visitaion system” vendor – JurisLink. An interesting use case.

WebRTC brings live video to your browser (youtube.com)
Will Weintraub of LiveNinja in an interview with Robert Scoble about their use case (and WebRTC).

Exploiting WebRTC Data Channel Potential: Interview with Viblast (blog.uppersideconferences.com)
An interesting interview about Viblast, who use WebRTC data channel for video streaming.


Hookflash for Android (hookflash.com)
Hookflash now officially has an Android SDK and a reference app available.

TrueConf Server 4.2.5 Features Improved LDAP Integration and Instant Messaging in WebRTC (telepresenceoptions.com)
TrueConf, a Russian video conferencing player is beefing up its WebRTC support, bringing it closer to its desktop app level.

From our own posts