WebRTC Weekly Issue #25 - July 23, 2014

Here’s the latest in what has been a slow newsweek on WebRTC (it’s summer after all) from your friends at webrtcweekly.com


Real-Time Communication for Everyone (confreaks.com)
Our 101 this week is from Lisa Larson-Kelley. A primer on WebRTC in a video recording.

Are Skype’s Days Numbered? (andyabramson.blogs.com)
Yes. And Andy Abramson gives good reasons why.

WebRTC is a Bit More Interesting Than I Thought (ucstrategies.com)
This one is somewhat worrying. It shows that there’s no hype in WebRTC, but the opposite. Not enough know and understand what it is capable of achieving.

Telecom vendors should not couple WebRTC too closely to their IMS strategy (disruptivewireless.blogspot.com)
Dean offers his advice to the vendors who cater telcos about their WebRTC focus.


Understanding WebRTC Media Connections – ICE, STUN and TURN (andrewjprokop.wordpress.com)
Andrew Prokop provides an explanation of the NAT traversal mechanisms used by WebRTC.

Firefox, Openh264, Gecko Media Plugins, and current state of development (ghacks.net)
Martin Brinkmann details the changes made in Firefox to accommodate for H.264 in WebRTC.

WebRTC MTI Video Codec: More is Less (blog.uppersideconferences.com)
Amir Zmora explains why more than a single mandatory codec in WebRTC is a bad idea.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Hello Android: The New Gruveo Is Live (gruveo.com)
Gruveo made the switch from Flash to WebRTC in the latest release of their service. The main reason? Better support on mobile…


Nothing groundbreaking this week.

From our own posts