WebRTC Weekly Issue #24 - July 16, 2014

Here’s the latest in what has been a slow newsweek on WebRTC (it’s summer after all) from your friends at webrtcweekly.com


10 jargons every WebRTC fan should know (blog.1click.io)
The obligatory 101 post of the week. This time a glossary of sorts.

How Will WebRTC Affect the Business VoIP Market? [Infographic] (onsip.com)
An infographic about the potential of WebRTC in business VoIP. Can also be viewed as a quick primer to WebRTC.

Which is better, VoIP or VoLTE? A reality check (blogs.nsn.com)
The answer is WebRTC. The longer answer is that it is hard to compare a relatively non-existent technology  (VoLTE) to a widely used one (VoIP). VoIP wins over VoLTE at this point in usage.


Disabling WebRTC in Firefox and Chrome
Seems like there are now extensions enabling the removal of WebRTC functionality from browsers. Just when we figured out how to use plugins for the missing ones…

getUserMedia Mirrors and Frame Rates (webrtchacks.com)
An explanation on how to handle local video in WebRTC video chat services (I find that when the mirror effect isn’t on it’s quite disturbing – my 4yo boy had more than 10 minutes of fun trying to understand the workings of a non-mirror passport photo booth in the mall…)

Broadcasting video from IP-camera using WebRTC (habrahabr.ru)
Continuing the tradition of a non-English post, here’s a Russian one: how to connect a video streaming security camera to WebRTC. It uses the Flashphoner server in this case.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Copay (beta), An Open Source Multisig Wallet (blog.bitpay.com)
Establishing multi-site signatures on bitcoins by communicating securely via WebRTC data channels.

7 Things We’d Change About Google Hangouts (mashable.com)
We can all probably find 500 things we’d change in Google Hangouts. That’s why there are around 500 different vendors and individuals building stuff with WebRTC – so that there’s a solution for everyone.

WebRTC applications: are we expecting too much radical innovation, too soon? (disruptivewireless.blogspot.com)
No we don’t 🙂 We’re just expecting something different than the previous generation of solutions.


OnSIP Developers Release SIP.js 0.6.0 – A SIP JavaScript Stack Built for WebRTC (onsip.com)
A new and improved release of SIP.js.

From our own posts