WebRTC Weekly Issue #232 - July 11, 2018

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.

Before we begin – help us with our AI in RTC survey and receive an upcoming ebook and a chance to win 1 of 5 Amazon Gift Cards of $100 each.


The Evolution Beyond WebRTC 1.0 (callstats.io)
An overview of the thoughts in the W3C on where to go with WebRTC moving forward.

How is Consumer Demand Shaping the Future of Video Calling for Enterprises? (Sinch)
Some interesting stats from Sinch’s latest white paper.


Inserting an External Video Stream into a Live Broadcast sponsored
Learn about how to integrate external video directly into a live broadcast

New tutorial video: Scaling Jitsi Meet in the Cloud (Jitsi)
Another week, another Jitsi tutorial. This one around scaling the service.

Multi-Party WebRTC Option 2: MCU (WebRTC.ventures)
Following last week’s 101 on mesh, we now have MCU.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Agora provides MeetMe with scalable live video to drive engagement and monetization through social discovery (Agora)
Agora seems to be having success in gaming and social markets.

Introducing SendZero (XCredits)
Data channel used for sending files built by a blockchain company.


A whole new SimpleWebRTC is coming. React, appropriately (&yet)
SimpleWebRTC is getting a rewrite and a price plan.

More native echo cancellation (Google Developers)
Native echo cancellation is coming to WebRTC in Chrome and you can start fiddling with it.

From our own posts