WebRTC Weekly Issue #23 - July 9, 2014

Here’s the latest in what has been a slow newsweek on WebRTC (it’s summer after all) from your friends at webrtcweekly.com

Missed the Kranky Geek WebRTC Event? You can find the recordings here.


WebRTC vs VoIP : Which is the Future of Internet Communications (algoworks.com)
Snehesh Mitra at Algoworks provides a compelling argument for the future of WebRTC in a world of VoIP.

So long plug-ins, Google Hangouts goes WebRTC (gigaom.com)
Indeed the news is out and not surprising, Google Hangouts is moving to WebRTC. Podcast provides some additional narrative.

WebRTC at the World Cup (sporttechie.com)
Sports techies discuss the potential application of WebRTC technology at the World Cup. Let new ideas flow!


How RiskyGear uses the WebRTC data channel for gaming (gist.github.com)
Using WebRTC’s data channel for sharing of player data for virtual soccer match.

WebRTC with distributed hash tables (ntsujio.hatenablog.com)
It’s in Japanese so let Google Translate it for you. An interesting emerging article with WebRTC is using DHT & Chord. We told you it’s all about the data channel!

WebRTC Video Mixing with Mixology (dailyjs.com)
Video mixing without an MCU? Gearcloudlabs thinks they may have an answer for you.

Feross interview on WebRTC & the data channel (infoq.com)
One of our favorites, Feross Aboukhadijeh, in Budapest talking about WebRTC data channel applications. A space to keep your eye on.


Use Cases and Customer Wins

Pristine Developers comment on their Glass experience (pristine.io)
The Pristine.io developers talk about their development experiences using WebRTC together with Google Glass for a medical application.





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