WebRTC Weekly Issue #215 - March 14, 2018

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


Facebook adds video chat to Messenger Lite, its pared-down Android app (TechCrunch)
Video is important enough to fit into lightweight versions of messenger.

Using Design to Empower Every User on a Live Video App (PROPS)
UX guidelines used for the live streaming Rize app. Interesting concepts.


Three things you need to know about Windows Developer Day (Windows Blog)
Microsoft is adding WebRTC support to Windows 10 WebView.

Gone in 1100 seconds — The weirdest bug I have ever met (Confrere)
If you’re using coturn, make sure stale-nonce is commented out if you want Edge to work.

The Difference Between Jitter and Latency (callstats.io)
Quite a useful explanation.

3 Simple Ways to Build Video Conferencing Web Applications Besides Simplewebrtc (WebRTC.ventures)
Whatever you pick, please don’t pick peerjs.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Miss a call—but not the moment—with video messages on Google Duo (Google)
Google adds video-mail to Google Duo.


Unveiling callstats.io Optimize: AI for WebRTC (callstats.io)
I remember talking to Varun about this (or a similar concept) a few years back. Great to see callstats.io implement this.

From our own posts