WebRTC Weekly Issue #200 - November 29, 2017

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


Autoplay Policy Changes (Google)
Chrome is changing how video and audio gets played. The WebRTC team at Google are trying to make sure this won’t affect “us”.


Get Better Multiparty Chat with Dynamically Optimized Video (Vidyo.io) SPONSORED
With Vidyo.io dynamic optimization technology, every video call is continuously optimized for every endpoint in the call. Learn more about Scalable Video Coding (SVC) now.

Visions for WebRTC Next Steps: Fine-grained Media Control in the browser (callstats.io)
Varun Singh looks at where QUIC may fit in the future of WebRTC.

A Guide to: WebRTC Media Servers & Open Source Options (WebRTC.ventures)
A nice review of open source media servers in WebRTC.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Nothing interesting this time.


Introducing Audio Only Recording (Pipe)
Pipe adds audio only recording to its video recording platform.

iOS WebRTC Framework v 2.6.3 with CallKit support (QuickBlox)
QuickBlox adds CallKit support to its iOS SDK.

From our own posts