WebRTC Weekly Issue #182 - July 26, 2017

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


Flash & The Future of Interactive Content (Adobe)
Flash officially got a death certificate. Now we just need to wait until 2020.

The fifteen minute WebRTC demo (Jeremy Noring)

Mozilla wants you to record your voice for a new open-source project (Mashable)
And they are doing it with the help of getUserMedia, which reduces friction for the doners.

You can now use Skype on Tizen 3.0 based Samsung Z4 using WebRTC (Tizen Experts)
Tried on my Ubuntu with Chrome, but no luck connecting calls.


A real world guide to WebRTC (deepstreamHub)
A nice tutorial explaining WebRTC while using deepstream for signaling.

Hybrid WebRTC App vs. Native WebRTC App (XB Software)
A good overview of the differences for WebRTC based apps.

Augmenting Zoom functionality with Voximplant to get premium functions. Part 1 (Voximplant)
Interesting to see how CPaaS vendors are finding ways to connect to SIP infrastructure to add functionality to it.

Hacking Social Video: Building a Group Live Video App Part 1 (TokBox)
A first look at what is needed to develop social video apps.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Wire at work — introducing teams beta (Wire)
Wire adds end-to-end encrypted communications to group sessions.


Just Landed: Automated WebRTC Screen Sharing Testing in testRTC (testRTC)
A new release of testRTC now supports screen sharing test automation among other features.

From our own posts