WebRTC Weekly Issue #16 - May 21, 2014

Here’s the latest news this week on WebRTC from your friends at webrtcweekly.com

Before we begin: We’re planning an event. End of June (right after Google I/O). In San Francisco. Some preliminary details about our Geek & Kranky Show


Community and Communication in Virtual Space: The Video (ednapiranha.com)
For the next kid who wants to conquer the world with a WebRTC video chat service – read this first.

The second annual WebRTC survey (tokbox.com)
If you are reading this weekly, then you need to fill in this survey.

Skype Group Video Now Free & Why WebRTC Has To Be Different (cirrusio.com)
On Skype, Contextual communications and free group video calls.

Web Communications for the Enterprise (nojitter.com)
A good review of recent enterprise plays in the WebRTC space.

Nuts & Bolts of Using WebRTC in ProAV (isvimaging.com)
If you want to understand the thought processes in the entrenched video conferencing market, then this is a good read.


Stable Channel Update (googlechromereleases.blogspot.com)
Chrome 35 is upon us, with no real news about WebRTC (which for me is good news)

Plug-in free or free plug-in? Q&A with IE & Safari WebRTC plug-in maker Alex Gouaillard (webrtchacks.com)
The details behind the new IE & Safari plugin that is now freely available by Temasys.

WebRTC on Google Glass (Challenge Accepted) (tech.pristine.io)
Pristine does Google Glass for surgeons. Here’s how they got WebRTC working on Glass.

WebRTC – The Future Of Real-Time Communication For SMB’s (smbnow.com)
An explanation of what Voxeet has done to integrate WebRTC into its service.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Tiny Eye: the power of sight and sound (tokbox.com)
With my son diagnosed with Dyspraxia, the ability to get speech therapists on call remotely, is close to my heart.

Real World WebRTC: Your Internet Recording Studio (cio2cmo.com)
An overview of an internet recording studio using WebRTC.


Interoute One Bridge launch unifies video and voice conference calls on any device from anywhere (telepresenceoptions.com)
Another service connecting the video conferencing islands (and adding WebRTC in the process).

New Free Audio Conferencing Service Launches in U.K. (marketwatch.com)
iotum launches a free audio conference with WebRTC in the UK.

Zingaya widget gets network quality monitoring function (blog.zingaya.com)
Now that we’ve passed the obvious parts of implementing WebRTC, vendors are starting to deal with user pains – this one is around perceived media quality.

Improved screen sharing (blog.appear.io)
appear.in is now making use of Chrome’s new screen sharing extension capabilities.

From our own posts