WebRTC Weekly Issue #150 - December 14, 2016

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


Google brings RCS, a next-gen upgrade to SMS, to Rogers customers in Canada (TechCrunch)
I am starting to wonder if Google can actually turn RCS into a reality.


PSA: WebRTC M56 Release Notes (discuss-webrtc)
Getting closer to the standard specification.

What do the Parameters in webrtc-internals Really Mean? (testRTC)
While we’re on the subject of getStats – time to look at the parameters you can glean out of it.

An Intro to WebRTC and Accessing a User’s Media Devices (Sebastian Patron)
Time for another 101 for WebRTC. This time – only getUserMedia and no peer connection.

Overview of WebRTC Media Servers (WebRTC by Dr Alex)
A partial list of WebRTC media server alternatives.

WebRTC signaling using signal-fire (Art of Coding)
Another signaling server based on Node.js to choose from.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Temasys Chosen by Tap To Speak to Turn Smartphones Into Microphones at Live Events (Press release)
An interesting use case. Never thought of WebRTC inside event rooms.


Slack Calls: Now with 100% more video (Several People are Typing)
Slack adds support for video calling, along with emoji responses.

Achievement Unlocked – WebRTC (Red5 Pro)
Red5 Pro officially releases their WebRTC support.

Coviu introduces in-call payments (Coviu)
With all the payment hubub going on over messaging platforms, this makes sense.

From our own posts