WebRTC Weekly Issue #132 - August 10, 2016

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


WebRTC-Powered Platforms Will Make Video Conferencing As Easy As Clicking a Link (VC Daily)
We didn’t have a WebRTC 101 post here for some time.


Eavesdropping on WebRTC Communication with Funny Cat Pictures (SecurityTube)
How development vulnerabilities can lead to man-in-the-middle attacks on WebRTC services.

Updates from Latest W3C Working Draft 03 August 2016 (WebRTC Standards)
A few clarifications coming out in latest WebRTC draft.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Primo Selects Ingate’s WebRTC Solutions for Mobile Phone App Primo Connect (Press release)
Another vendor tries to crack consumer telephony communications.

Weqool chooses forge by Xura to create immersive social experience in its fitness app with real time communications (Press release)
Social network meets sparring fitness partners, done by Blacc Spot Media non top of Xura’s forge.


Frozen Mountain Announces IceLink 3 (Press release)
Adds much needed support for TURN over TCP as well as a new SFU component.

From our own posts