WebRTC Weekly Issue #124 - June 15, 2016

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


WebRTC @5 (discuss-webrtc)
Happy Birthday.

What’s Wrong With Microsoft’s WebRTC Announcement (The New Dial Tone)
Amir Zmora analyzes the recent Microsoft announcement about WebRTC.


Building a WebRTC Video Chat Application with PeerJS (SitePoint)
A step by step guide to using PeerJS.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

TalkPoint: Secure Unified Communications With Nanostream WebRTC (nanocosmos)
Webinars and streaming seems to rule in new startups and vendors around WebRTC.

Dialpad–Life For Old iPads (VoIP Watch)
Andy Abramson, on how he believes many users of Dialpad end up using it.


None this week.

From our own posts