WebRTC Weekly Issue #12 - April 23, 2014

Here’s the latest news this week on WebRTC from your friends at webrtcweekly.com


RIP Flash: Why HTML5 will finally take over video and the Web this year (thenextweb.com)
For those still fantasizing about Flash for browsers, here’s some food for thought. Maybe it is time to reconsider fallback to Flash strategies.

The WebRTC conundrum (mobileworldlive.com)
A quick summary of what happened during WebRTC Global Summit a few weeks back.

What’s the Next WebRTC Killer App? (webrtcworld.com)
Next killer application for WebRTC is unlikely to be a Skype-killer. I tend to agree.

How WebRTC is better than Closed Online Communication Tools for Enterprises? (finoit.com)
The obligatory weekly 101 post on WebRTC. This time, from an enterprise angle.


WebRTC Signaling: Here be Dragons (sococo.com)
Some good insights on why NOT to use Socket.io for WebRTC signaling, and why finding a good scalable signaling solution isn’t trivial.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

WebRTC and HTML5: A look into communication services (lauradhamilton.com)
A quick list of 6 companies who are using WebRTC in production systems already.

Chat for free with NTT’s WebRTC, if you don’t mind being a bloated, dancing cat (fierceenterprisecommunications.com)
A lot of chatter in Twitter going in by Japanese in the past two weeks. It will be interesting where they will take this tech.

Artesyn Integrates Support for Opus, SILK Audio Codecs into SharpMedia PCIE-8120 (webrtcworld.com)
Atresyn added support for both Opus and SILK in their embedded transcoders. The ecosystem around the codecs selected for WebRTC is growing nicely.


UberConference Adds Screen Sharing (techcrunch.com)
The new Chrome browser now has its screen sharing capabilities out of beta and requires an extension to be implemented. UberConference first to get that one supported.

Bistri for Android V2 Beta is Here! (blog.bistri.com)
Bistri is out with a new Android client – give it a ride.

From our own posts