WebRTC Weekly Issue #110 - March 9, 2016

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.

Before we begin:

Kranky GeekKranky Geek India is upon us! Come join us on March 19 for our Bangalore WebRTC event for developers.

We have a twitter account for it: @webrtclive


TokBox at the Kranky Geek WebRTC Show, India (TokBox)
Come join us 🙂

Source: Microsoft mulled an $8 billion bid for Slack, will focus on Skype instead (TechCrunch)
I’ll just leave it here for you, now that Slack is introducing voice and video calling.

WebRTC is a Distraction (Talking Pointz)
Sure it is. It is changing the market as we know it.

Switch.co is now Dialpad (Dialpad)
Switch renames to Dialpad.


Dear Slack: why is your WebRTC so weak? (webrtcHacks)
How sad.

Chrome vs FireFox: WebRTC Stats API with Twilio Video (Twilio)
How to handle the differences between the getstats implementations of Chrome and Firefox.

The Balancing Act of Stream Quality (Red5Pro)
I couldn’t have said it better myself. The expectation of “better video than X at a lower latancy than Y with a scale greater than Z” is unrealistic.

How Different WebRTC Multiparty Video Conferencing Technologies Look Like on the Wire (testRTC)
Visualizing the different models of video conferencing architectures on the wire.

Building A Real-Time Retrospective Board With Video Chat (Smashing Magazine)
Walkthrough of using Deepstream framework to build a collaboration service.

Click-to-call for web and mobile application (VoxImplant)
How to implement your own Click to call service using VoxImplant.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

WebRTC Helping Local Businesses – An Interview Philippe Vayssac, Chief Innovation Officer for Groupama (The New Dial Tone)
An interesting interview about the Groupama service and their backend technology.

NetFortris Enhances UC Client Portfolio with GENBAND’s Innovative Omni Technology (Press release)
NetFortis updates its Smart Office client product.

How WebRTC Can Improve Landing Page Conversions (Aspect)
Alyx Kaczuwka on what WebRTC can add to assist in getting potential customers down your sales funnel.

IoT and WebRTC – presentation at WebRTC Boston (WebRTC.ventures)
Arin Sime outlines several IOT related use cases where WebRTC is useful.

Whiteboard video meetings with Limnu + appear.in (appear.in)
appear.in’s widget/APIs get integrated into Limnu.

Utilizing WebRTC in the Messaging Industry (Blacc Spot Media)
On the role WebRTC plays today in popular messaging services.


RingCentral Announces WebRTC Support (RingCentral)
RingCentral adds WebRTC to its API.

Slack’s friction free conference calling for your entire team is awesome (TheNextWeb)
Slack adds WebRTC support.

Mitel’s Lineup to Include MiTeam (NoJitter)
Mitel introduces its own enterprise messaging WebRTC based service.

From our own posts