WebRTC Weekly Issue #359 - December 23, 2020

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


Update: Discord confirms raising $100M at a valuation of $7B (TechCrunch)
Kudos to the Discord team!

The AV1 video codec comes to Webex (WebEx blog)
First on desktop, screen sharing, behind a flag, and when available. First steps towards AV1.


WebRTC Today & Tomorrow: Interview with W3C WebRTC Chair Bernard Aboba (webrtcHacks)
A good overview of where we are in time with WebRTC.

PSA: usage of rtp payload types in the range 35-63 in webrtc.org/chrome (discuss-webrtc)
Payload types in RTP are becoming crowded in WebRTC. This may cause interoperability issues.

iOS 14.3 Brings WebRTC to WKWebView, Closing Gap on iOS Accessibility (Lee Martin)

WebRTC/Chromium Updates In 2020 (Jan Grulich)
Optimizations coming to Linux Wayland for WebRTC.

A smaller, faster video calling library for our apps (FACEBOOK Engineering)
Forking away from libwebrtc has a tendency to become a considerable technical debt.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

In Celebration of Becoming Open Source, Threema Is 50% Off (Threema)
On the client side only it seems, and with the restrictive AGPL.

Discord introduces mobile screen sharing for Android and iOS (AndroidGuys)
I love their short videos introducing new features.

Amazon’s cloud gaming service Luna now supports a limited number of Android phones (AndroidGuys)
Browser based cloud gaming is heating up.

From Concept to Mobile Reality: Pokerface Gets a Live Video Chat Upgrade (Agora)
How Comunix used Agora in their Pokerface mobile game.

Raising the sound and the standards bars (Vimeo Engineering Blog)
Vimeo adds Opus codec support to its player.


Agora Releases Native SDK v3.2.0 (Agora)
Introduces a new voice beautifier.

NoMachine Announces the Immediate Availability of Version 7 (NoMachine)
Improved browser based remote desktop connections in this release (among a slew of other features).

From our own posts