WebRTC Weekly Issue #320 - March 25, 2020

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


Around is the new floating head video chat multitasking app (TechCrunch)
An interesting new concept of how video meetings should be conducted.

Make it live with video (Jitsi)
Great way to meet. I just wonder what’s the business model for this in the long run.


Stop touching your face using a browser and TensorFlow.js (webrtcHacks)
Running machine learning in the edge is the future.

Real-Time Face Detection in .NET with OpenTok and OpenCV (Vonage)
Another face detection post. This one uses OpenCV.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Dating apps are introducing video chats so you can date during social distancing (Mashable)
This made sense even before Coronavirus.

Looking sharper (Riot)
Riot (and Matrix) will probably double down on video (at long last).

NextLot Releases New Auction Webcast Application (Press release)
Switched from Flash to WebRTC.

New Telehealth Capability Helps Healthcare Providers Connect with Patients and Other Clinicians in Novel Ways (Agora)
Lots of telehealth services are growing at the moment.


None this week.

From our own posts

None this week.