Here is the latest on WebRTC from your friends at
Four key touch-points where personalized video messaging delivers an amazing customer experience (Sinch)
In favor of video calling in contact centers.
None this week.
Use Cases and Customer Wins
Temasys Releases Zero-code Component for Real-time Video, Chat, and Co-browsing in the Appian Platform (Press release)
Temasys gets a stab at the contact center market by integrating with Appian’s BPM platform.
OpenVidu 2.11.0: Webhook service and first version of scalability (OpenVidu)
OpenVidu starts baking scalability features into its framework.
Kurento 6.11 (Kurento)
Fixes to SDP for data channel support.
Red5 Pro Server and SDK Release 5.7.0 (Red5 Pro)
Bug fixes and improved performance for WebRTC.
From our own posts
- WebRTC connectivity is challenging – a free video course (