WebRTC Weekly Issue #255 - December 19, 2018

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


Did Google cripple Edge’s youtube performance? (Jeremy Noring)
First sane reaction I’ve seen to the Microsoft intern griping about Google. The sad thing is that there’s truth on both sides of this story.

Robocalls to Get Shaken Up Makes It Time To Change Calling (VoIP Watch)
An interesting take on where businesses should take their important calls due to rising spam.

Brave browser switches to Chromium code base for faster performance (TheNextWeb)
Not that Brave is that important, but Chrom(ium) is having a great year end.

Multistream support via Unified Plan (github/meetecho)
Does this mean Highfive are switching from a Jitsi based SFU to a Janus based one?


How we built a stand-in robot for remote workers using IoT and computer vision (Tryolabs)
A cool 48 hours project that makes use of WebRTC.

Adventures in Video Conferencing Part 5: Where Do We Go from Here? (Google Project Zero)
The conclusion of the security tests (and bugs) found in WebRTC and other video conferencing technologies.

Lets get better at fuzzing in 2019 – here’s how (webrtcHacks)
Continuing with fuzzing, this one focuses on Janus and REMBRTCP messages.

Effects In WebRTC? A Filters Tutorial (WebRTC.ventures)
Silly hats in the form of sunglasses. Adding face recognition to a WebRTC stream in the browser.

Concord: How I built a screen sharing application in two weeks (Brad Ziolko)
So much misunderstanding as to how WebRTC and media operates, and he still got something to “work”.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Santa Claus video chat powered by Jitsi Meet (Jitsi)
Not the first WebRTC Santa that I’ve seen.

J & B Medical Supply and HNC Virtual Solutions Add Sylaps Inc. to Family of Companies (Sylaps)
Sylaps gets acquird by J&B Medical, to join their group of healthcare focused companies.


Insights, now with GraphQL (TokBox)
TokBox introduces a GraphQL API to its Insights – a smart move.

First Network Assessment Test for WebRTC Communications (callstats.io)
A new product from callstats.io focusing on checking network status from the browser.

Agora.io Now Brings Live Voice and Video Chat to Game Developers Inside the Unity Asset Store (Agora.io)
Agora releases voice and video SDKs to the Unity store directly.

Kurento Media Server 6.9.0 – (lib)Nicer and performant (Kurento)
Important bug fixes and performance improvements in this release.

OpenVidu 2.7.0: Safari and Ionic iOS support (OpenVidu)
This release adds Safari support to OpenVidu.

From our own posts