WebRTC Weekly Issue #214 - March 7, 2018

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


Google Chrome: Flash Usage Declines from 80% in 2014 to Under 8% Today (Bleeping Computer)
The end of an era.


AIY Vision Kit: TensorFlow Computer Vision on a Raspberry Pi Zero (webrtcHacks)
Chad Hart getting Google’s AIY Vision Kit connected to Tensor Flow and WebRTC – a 2-part post.

webrtc-c0d3l4b (discuss-webrtc)
Mihály Mészáros took the original codelab and updated it to be relevant today. You are invited to contribute.

Rough Notes on UWP and webRTC – Part 2 (Mike Taulty)
Now with … UI?

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Introducing Share Controller on Mixer (Mixer)
I wonder if Share Controller uses WebRTC data channel or goes through the server.

The Case for Video Customer Service: When Should Your Agents Show Their Faces? (OnSIP)
OnSIP leaning in towards video and listing a few video contact center use cases.


Product Update: Objective Quality Version 3 Released (callstats.io)
callstats.io releases a new objective quality algorithm to their service.

From our own posts