WebRTC Weekly Issue #99 - December 23, 2015

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


Talko’s Purchase By Microsoft Shows The Challenge Of The Directory Dilemma (Disruptive Telephony)
I guess it is the network effect.

Round up of WebRTC 2015 Paris (The New Dial Tone)
Amir Zmora and his impressions from the Paris WebRTC conference.


Surviving Mandatory HTTPS in Chrome (webrtcHacks)
Xander Dumaine outlines how to develop WebRTC services with the new hassle of HTTPS being mandatory in Chrome 47.

When a Chrome update breaks your WebRTC application (TokBox)
Chrome 47 shows more ICE failures than previous versions.

One Year of Measuring WebRTC Service Quality (callstats.io)
Takeaway: focus on Chrome and connectivity.

Simulcast and sending multiple video resolutions to the SFU (WebRTC Standards)
Some changes to how SFU is declared in SDP.

Learn WebRTC: Build a Real Time Tic-Tac-Toe (Scotch.io)
A tutorial using PubNub for signaling, WebRTC for video and game messages (=data channel).

Google and Vidyo Bring VP9 to WebRTC (Vidyo)
Alex Eleftheriadis explains some of the nuances introduced with VP9 in WebRTC.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Talko comes to Skype (Microsoft)
Microsoft acquired Talko.


In-App Video Now Available in Public Beta (Twilio)
Twilio rolls out video in public beta.

From our own posts