WebRTC Weekly Issue #41 - November 12, 2014

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.

I wanted to bring to your attention another project – the WebRTC Index. If you want your company added and featured, fill in this online form please.


Google and Mozilla told to limit browser’s ability to watch users (zdnet.com)
It would be interesting to see how this develops. I think the researchers have made a bad job at making the report (pdf) accessible and readable by the layman. They do raise some valid concerns that would need to be addressed.

The Microsoft in the Room – IE and WebRTC (or ORTC?) (webrtchacks.com)
Reid Stidolph takes a stab at Microsoft’s announcement and the codec debate that is rising again.

Delivering QoS in the new all-IP world (rcrwireless.com)
Dries Plasman on the need to think about QoS and infrastructure when launching WebRTC services.

WebRTC Video Codec Debate – a Transcoding Vendor Perspective (dialogic.com)
It is that time of a year where we debate if we need another section just for the video codec issue.


How to Train a Dog with JavaScript (webrtchacks.com)
Just what the title says. A mandatory reader for the dog owner.

Chrome M38 WebRTC release notes (groups.google.com)
Interested in the latest modifications for WebRTC in Chrome? Here’s the official list from Google.

Why do we care about ORTC? (tokbox.com)
Gustavo Garcia Bernardo explains why ORTC is important. It has to do with the current RegExp APIs in WebRTC, as he defines it.

Making a Guitar Tuner with HTML5 (jonathan.bergknoff.com)
How to use getUserMedia and web audio to build a guitar tuner in HTML5.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Nothing interesting caught our eye this week.


Vidyo Pushes Full Steam Ahead in the World of WebRTC (blog.vidyo.com)
Vidyo adds WebRTC support to its line of products.

From our own posts