WebRTC Weekly Issue #36 - October 8, 2014

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com


Gartner Hype Cycle, WebRTC Not Included (thenewdialtone.com)
Amir Zmora takes a stab in his new blog at why Gartner “missed” WebRTC from their hype cycle.

IIT RTC Conference 2014 Summary (alanquayle.com)
Alan Quayle provides a good summary of IIT RTC Conference, which had a lot of WebRTC related discussions in it.

Giving Customer Support using WebRTC (speakerdeck.com)
Dan Jenkins does a great job at explaining why WebRTC is a great fit for customer support in this slide deck.

Nobody Asked Me, But…(October 2014) (letsdovideo.com)
I couldn’t agree less with the analysis that automatic upgrades or lack of IE support means WebRTC is a flop, but I am not here to pass judgement – just to share good writing.


Building Consensus on WebRTC – Q&A with W3C Editor Dan Burnett (webrtchacks.com)
Dan Burnett in an interview about WebRTC, ORTC and collaboration in standardization.

Bowser and OpenWebRTC released as Open Source (ericsson.com)
Just when I thought Ericsson were out of the WebRTC game, they open source their own WebRTC client.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Time To Switch To Switch (andyabramson.blogs.com)
Andy Abramson explains UberConference’ new service called Switch.


Nextwave Launches Walkabout WebRTC Server to Support Media Streaming (entrepreneursky.com)
Using Scala and want to use WebRTC? Walkabout by Nextwave might be the answer for you.

Temasys WebRTC plugin for Internet Explorer, Safari now available for licensing by services providers and developers (prnewswire.com)
Temasys makes their plugin available for licensing. How does that affect the free version is not detailed. Will be interesting to see how this evolves.

From our own posts