WebRTC Weekly Issue #543 - July 3, 2024

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


11 resources that will help you start with WebRTC (Software Mansion)
I am guessing WebRTC Weekly and BlogGeek.me aren’t good enough resources 😜

Integrating Large Action Models with WebRTC (WebRTC.ventures)
AI and WebRTC. We have quite a few of these this week (see below).


WebRTC Live is a monthly webinar series with industry guests brought to you by WebRTC.ventures (sponsored)
Register for the July 10 episode, “Tools for WebRTC Hacks” with guest Chad Hart.

The World’s Fastest Voice Bot (Daily)
The competition is going to be around latency when it comes to voice bots.

28 Days Later (my QUIC journey) (meetecho)
Lorenzo shares his last month of work with QUIC and how he thinks about it. Really interesting.

How WebRTC speaker selection works (Advancing WebRTC)
How to deal with speaker device selection across the various browsers.

Meet Rakis: A Decentralized Verifiable Artificial Intelligence AI Network in the Browser (MarktechPost)
An interesting project if this is your thing (decentralization and AI).

Use Cases and Customer Wins

Character.AI now allows users to talk with AI avatars over calls (TechCrunch)
Uses WebRTC. WebRTC is becoming the voice of GenAI.

Swedish digital pet care startup raises €20M to expand in US (TNW)
We haven’t had vets here for quite some time (and I have a new puppy).


OpenVidu v3 (Beta) (OpenVidu)
Kurento –> mediasoup –> LiveKit

Digital Samba 590 (Digital Samba)
Added an integrated polls feature.

From our own posts