WebRTC Weekly Issue #528 - March 20, 2024

Here is the latest on WebRTC  from your friends at webrtcweekly.com.


“Switch from Twilio to us” this week, alphabetically sorted:


Twilio Migration Resources for Developers (Sponsored)
Seamlessly transition to Agora with migration guides & get 2 free months.

Learning WebRTC in Practice: Best Tools and Demos (HackerNoon)
It has been awhile since we had a technical 101 post here.

The weird economics of web page recording (Daily)
A good read on recording web pages using headless browsers.

Use Cases and Customer Wins

The Reality of Building WebRTC Live Streaming Solutions (Agora)
An enjoyable and clear read about the build vs buy challenge in WebRTC.


OBS Studio 30.1 Released With AV1 Support For VA-API & PipeWire Video Capture (Phoronix)
Another update to OBS. This time with added AV1 encoder for WebRTC.

From our own posts